Let the games begin!
We’ve all been there, it’s 3am, Aunt Cathy just forfeit after spilling her vodka cran all over Baltic Ave, cousin Steve owns everything and makes sure you know it… 7 Mt. Dews in and you’re starting to make a comeback! But as the sun starts cracking through the blinds, someone’s had enough… The board flips, the race car sails into the void across the room, never to be seen again and a family brawl almost erupts. All while Steve is calmly counting his 500 dollar bills.
Ah! The good ole days, or was that just us? Either way, we want to recapture those glory days and put them on the blockchain!
The meme themed, yield generating blockchain experience honoring the classic board game you know and love! Rolling out soon to the Binance Smart Chain!
Own properties and collect rent from other players, snag a pay day when you make it around the board, get instant rewards for landing on chests and the mother of all wins, land on the MOON! But try not to get rugged! if anyone gets sent to Pepe Jail the MOON Jackpot is burned and resets, lost forever into the bowels of 0xdEaD!
Why BSC?
We are not ruling out other chains in the slightest, in-fact we are huge cross-chain supporters, but we needed to pick one to start!
We feel it will be a much smoother, fun and engaging experience on BSC over ETH. Who wants to yield farm for 4 months just to make back the staking fees anyway? Or end up spending 10X the cost of the rent because of fees?! No thanks! Plus, with rolling the dice and claiming rewards, there will be a decent bit of transactions to play. We also feel It’s a more forgiving testbed for developers if issues arise, not to mention it’s fast, it works well and has an exponentially growing user base!
The rules are pretty straight forward: you roll and you land on a spot, then take the appropriate action if any.
- You get up to 1 roll of the dice every X hours (Time TBD)
- Roll and move to a spot on the board
- Pass GO and collect your payday as well as a new level
- Avoid going to PEPE Jail at all costs!
* Spot payouts and rent amounts listed are subject to change before launch
Let’s walk you through all the various spots you can land on while traveling around the MEMENOPOLY Board!
- This is where your journey begins
- Pass this spot and get your standard Payday
(*10 $MNOP x Lvl = Payday amount) - Landing on GO gives you 4x your payday!
(*100 $MNOP x Lvl = Super Payday amount) - Sry! You only get one or the other, not both
- Passing GO also ups your level +1
Land on these spots and instantly receive *75 $MNOP to claim
Rick Roll Again:
Land here and you get to roll again, no waiting just roll
- Sucks for you! You’ll have to pay the tax man to keep playing!
- 100% of your paid tax is burned, we don’t like taxes!
- These are meme utilities, you pay the rent X your roll!.
- eg: if you roll a 5 and land on Reddit, your rent is 20 (*4 [rent] x 5 [roll] = 20)
- These are non-ownable properties
- 100% of the rent is sent to the MOON, they are community services after all!
Pepe Jail
- If you land here on a normal roll don’t worry, you’re just here for a conjugal visit and you’ll be on your way next turn!
- If you get rugged and go to jail, you start here on your next roll
THE MOON (aka free parking)
- always a minimum of *250 $MNOP for landing on this spot
- 10% of all rent paid is sent to the MOON
- 100% of utilities rent is sent to the MOON
- Land here and you claim everything in the Jackpot, no sharing!
The place no one wants to be! Land here and the following happens to you:
- You must wait double the roll timer (lose a roll for the day)
- You lose 1 level
- You move to Pepe Jail for your next roll
And that’s just you, you screw all of us by RUGGING THE JACKPOT!
100% of the current MOON Jackpot is burned forever when someone is sent to Pepe Jail! The jackpot is reset for the next player that lands on it.
Properties and Rockets
These are the core of the game and you want to own as many as possible! We are still fudging the numbers of how many NFTs will be minted but they will be in varying quantities with some being super rare making it not so easy to complete sets!
Properties are NFT’s ownable, tradable, sellable, stakeable
When a player lands on a Property or Rocket, if they have that card staked they pay nothing, otherwise, they owe the rent due for that spot in order to keep playing. Rent is distributed in the following way:
- 10% is added to the MOON Jackpot
- 10% is BURNED!! as in gone, no one ever gets it again
- 5% goes to the dev address for the property tax
- The remaining 75% is split evenly between ALL NFT stakers of that property.
- Out of that 75%, only eligible players will get paid out their share of the rent, a player is eligible if they have that property staked and they have rolled in the last 24 hours.
- Any player staking but not eligible will forfeit their share and it will be burned forever
Whew, that’s a lot going on huh? Let’s walk through it!
- Bob rolls and lands on Property A
- He doesn’t have it staked, so now he has to pay the rent to keep playing
- The rent is 10 $MNOP, Bob clicks pay rent and approves the transaction
- 1 $MNOP is sent to the MOON
- 1 $MNOP is burned
- 0.50 $MNOP is paid to the dev
- 7.50 $MNOP is divided between all stakers
- 3 people have staked Property A
- Fry: rolled an hour ago
- Mario: Rolled last night (15 hours ago)
- Pepe: rolled last week
The rent share is: 2.50 each (7.50/3 stakers)
- Fry and Mario each get 2.50 $MNOP added to their claimable rewards because they are still playing and have rolled in the last day
- Pepe is sad, he didn’t roll recently so his 2.50 $MNOP gets put to the flame and burned forever! ( don’t worry Pepe you’re still earning rewards for staking!)
Why would I pay rent?
That’s a great question! And the honest answer is, you don’t have to! You are free to yield farm all day and not partake in the game. BUT, if you want the true yield generation experience, you’re going to want to land on GO a few times at level 10 and it will all make sense! The goal is to reward the people that stick it out, not the kid that flips the board after his second roll!
The more obvious reason is collecting rent, staking a few key properties can land you some nice, mostly passive, returns and all that will be lost forever because you didn’t want to shell out that 10 $MNOP to roll that day! But hey, as the devs, we don’t discourage letting tokens burn!
Now we know how the game works, but what’s the deal with the NFTs? Staking rewards you say?
YUS! much rewards many stakes!
We forked off the $SMOL Museum contract for NFT staking with some added enhancements! It’s a solid and tested platform and frankly a pretty awesome project, check them out if you haven’t!
- Each Property and Rocket is stakeable (1 per each)
- Each card staked pays out a given amount of $MNOP per day
- Get a MEMENOPOLY by staking a set of all Properties of the same color or all 4 Rockets to get a much larger daily reward! (not to mention all the dough rollin in off the game rent!)
Meme Sets:
in addition to property sets, there will be collections of various memes you can obtain and stake, this will be a much smaller daily reward per card and a much larger set (sort of like a large sticker book). These will be the most common NFTs minted since not everyone can get a property!
NFT Store and Card Packs
The simple and obvious way to obtain the NFT you want is on a second hand market, but how do you get the original?
Card packs are the key! These packs come in different flavors. Cards are randomly chosen and it might not always give you a property but will always give you a set number of NFT’s. Some packs contain a guaranteed card from a particular class.
There are 3 ways that packs are priced, Only $MNOP, only $BNB or both. For packs that require both, you must have the available balance of both $MNOP and $BNB to redeem at the time of purchase.
100% of all $MNOP used for store purchases is burned.
We will also have select NFTs to offer for direct purchase and look out for special events, promotions and flash sales!
Standard yield farming will play an important role in the ecosystem. While there is plenty of yield to be generated playing the game or staking NFT’s, liquidity is crucial to any project’s success and there will be plenty of rewards to gain by staking $MNOP LP as well as 3rd party partners.
We also plan on implementing the 4% burn fee that’s become so popular these days, but unlike a lot of projects, we actually plan on burning it! ;)
This is a key part of figuring out our tokenomics. We have made no final decisions on this front or how much will be distributed.
That being said, we are currently testing a unique distribution method. In addition to regular card packs, the NFT store is built to offer distribution packs.
These packs are priced in $BNB and have all the features of a normal card pack but additionally will insta mint $MNOP to the account that redeems the pack. We feel this is a win-win for early adopters and a way to fairly distribute both the tokens and NFTs at the same time. It also lets you get staking and playing the game right out of the gate!
These packs are limited in quantity and will be in various levels and prices to fit anyone’s interest or budget! Once these packs are are sold out, distribution is complete and all other minting will happen via Farming, NFT Staking and In-Game Rewards.
We are also considering a small airdrop to generate interest. This would be targeted at other projects we feel are in the same realm of gamified experiences.
This is all still being worked out and we will provide detailed information about the planned distribution methods and allocations in another update.
“So this sounds cool n’ all! But like, it’s a medium post soooooo ya, who knows!”
IKR? Thankfully, we’re already pretty far along in development. We are not quite ready to give set dates yet and we are still wracking our brains around the tokenomics to make this as fair, fun and profitable as we can! We are currently testing the contracts on testnet and plan on a full deploy of the frontend very soon! So look out for another medium post on how to take part in the upcoming public beta.
The current state of affairs are:
The Contracts:
Most of the contracts are nearly complete and vigorously tested. All the mechanics described above are fully functional unless otherwise noted! There are some other ideas we are planning on implementing before a Mainnet launch, but if it isn’t functional yet we tried not to include it. Stay tuned for more updates!
The core contracts that make up MEMENOPOLY are:
MnopToken — This is the one and only planned token for MEMENOPOLY, it will be used as the rewards token and is set up to be a governance token if and when we build out a DAO. There is nothing fancy about it really, it’s a standard BEP20 token, but lots will be burned!
TheBanker — The Banker handles the yield farming, this is a pretty vanilla fork of the MasterChefV2 contract out of the Goose DeFi project, standard Yield farming plays a role in the ecosystem and we didn’t feel we needed to reinvent the wheel here.
TheBroker — The Broker deals with NFT management, Staking, Sets and NFT staking rewards.
MnopCard — This is the ownable NFT contract using the ERC1155 standard.
MnopCardPack — This is the factory contract that handles the creation and randomization of card packs.
MemenopolyStore — This contract handles all of the store functionality, opening of packs, transferring of BNB and burning of MNOP and minting for distribution packs.
Memenopoly — This contract is the core of the game! It handles all aspects of the game logic, stores the game rewards, mints new tokens when needed and interacts with TheBroker to handle property ownership.
The app is nearly ready for a public test yet there is still so much we want to add!
We have your basic run-of-mill Defi layout for now. Farming, staking and the NFT store should feel very familiar to existing Yield Farmers.
For MEMENOPYLY gameplay, we went back and forth on if this should be simple 2d, or something fun… we chose fun!! We are utilizing Three.js to make this an immersive 3d web gaming experience and have plans to let you customize your tiles, worlds and players. All while interacting with the blockchain and generating rewards.
While we are very meme heavy, that doesn’t mean our art has to look like it came out of MS Paint in 1997! Most of the art you can already see is placeholder. We are working with professional artists to make this a truly creative and unique experience! We will be showcasing some of the art as we get closer to the next steps!
A lot of projects in this space seem to be rushed out by devs with no real world experience, not to knock anyone, but this gaping hole in quality solidity and web3 devs is one of the main reasons we decided to start up this project. We’ve been around the block, have developed and managed high profile, high traffic web apps over the years and picked up a trick or two along the way. This doesn’t mean we are perfect, this is our first endeavor into blockchain development, but we will not rush out a buggy, crappy product for the sake of getting it done. It will be tested, banged on, spit on and shamed until we are happy and secure with letting real people invest fake money on it!
We have no masters, we are self funded and while we know what we want to build, we want to create a solid community to help guide us in the best direction possible.
Testing, Security and Audits
This is just as important as the product itself, We trust our devs with our lives but not yours! We already have a fairly thorough testing setup, This allows us to automate and test gameplay across multiple accounts and scenarios, check for discrepancies and will greatly help us narrow down the tokenomics.
We have done extensive research on best practices and have reused proven code where we could, but we don’t want you to take our word for it, we will be actively looking into getting an audit done by both the community and a trusted source but we aren’t quite there yet!
Yield farming Dapps are a dime a dozen across multiple chains these days, we are trying to approach this from a fun and fresh perspective! With all these paths to earn rewards, combined with the constant burn pressure and the glamor of an old classic, we feel we are on the right track!
Earn $MNOP:
- Staking $MNOP in Single Asset Staking
- Staking various LP tokens
- Staking NFTs and sets
- Collecting rent
- Passing GO
- Landing on GO
- Landing on a Chest
- Landing on the MOON
Burn $MNOP:
- MOON Jackpot Rugged
- 10% of rent
- Ineligible stakers rent share
- 100% of tax man payments
- 100% of Store and Card Pack Purchases
- Buyback and Burn fees
We are just getting started! We seriously can’t wait for you to see what’s coming down the pike!
Website: Memenopoly.finance
Twitter: Memenopoly
Telegram: Memenopoly